
New KEYENCE 3D scanner VR-5200

When it comes to “precision”, we at HOFFMANN are now taking an even closer look. At the beginning of October 2020, the new 3D scanner VR-5200 from Keyence was put into operation in our QS department.

The 3D stripe light projection with three telecentric lenses and the CMOS camera contactless delivers measurement settings with the click of a button. This user-independent, moulded part testing device automatically records the three-dimensional surface geometries of our composite parts made of rubber, plastic and metal on a measuring area of 200 mm x 100 mm x 50 mm in just a few seconds. With the help of customer-specific tolerance limits, a good / bad evaluation can also be made.

Depending on the measuring task, areas, volumes, cross-sections, contours, as well as flatness, roughness and material thickness can be precisely determined and visualized.

The past-processing of the measurement data by rendering or importing into various development programs is possible at any time. This also applies target performance with CAD data and deviation analyzes for identical measuring objects. In addition to individual tests, time-saving batch analyzes can also be carried out.

Profilometer section